Structured & Appropriate
Financial Instruments
- Assisted in the issue of Compulsorily Convertible Cumulative Preference Shares and Long Term Bonds.
- Strategised the launch of Foreign Guaranteed Local Currency (FGLC) bond.
- Organised the first – time issue of Mezannine Capital.
- Devised the first Indian NBFi GDR issue and listing on the London Stock Exchange.
- Accomplished assessing the valuation of a quasi government entity’s assets, demonstrating an impressive total valuation and thereby enabling the entity to raise funds by the medium of issuance of fixed income instruments.
- Devised the signing of a deal with a large Equiment manufacturer for purchase of heavy transport equipments.
- Organised partnership with a renowned French Multinational company specialising in the fields of water, waste management, energy and transport services.
- Arranged the initiation of Islamic ain Indian markets.